Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The one with the real scooby doooo.

My little 12 year old sister Lexi is up for hire. She dresses like the real scooby doo and performs at parties.  She will even let full grown men sit on her back.   Children cannot tell she is just a human dressed as a dog, she is that believable.

The one with the wedding lunch.

Thank you to everyone who came and helped cook!

The one with the smiles.

Smile your on courtney's camera!  Her phone has a setting that helps you smile a little bigger than normal.









Thursday, March 22, 2012

The one with wedding.

 Highlights from my wedding.  I had the best wedding day ever.  It was perfection in my eyes.  It could not have been done with out my family and friends, I have the best support group.

A beautiful temple to be sealed in.

A lovely couch.

Wonderful parents.

Some of my wonderful friends.

The cutest cousins.

A magnificent reception place.

A handsome husband.

Beautiful photography. Mikki Platt. 

Beautiful decor.

Very little cotton ball girls.  Handmade dresses I might add.


Beautiful help.

Delicious cupcakes. Made by Patty Ward.

My style of music. By James Eagan and his friend.


My handsome brother. Serving the Lord in Guatemala and attending a reception in one night.

My wonderful photographer of the couch Jordan.  Capturing moments like this.

Dancing with my wonderful father and my little cotton ball girls.

Cake in the face.

All the single ladies.

Together Forever.

The one with the missionary in Guatemala.

"This one goes out to my brother/missionary.  I cannot believe he has almost been out 14 months.  I can only imagine how life is in Guatemala, all I know is that he loves it.  Here is an excerpt from his last email.  He makes me want to be a better person EVERYDAY.

"i got a great letter from my mission president. he just promised me the branch would flourish and that the field is ready to harvest and my companion and i are going to do it. its weird to think that at this time last year i was just starting to come out into the field. this area brought back some of those feelings. fear of the unknown, lack of confidence, loneliness and many others, but as i have started to lose myself and get to work i have learned the more you worry and think about yourself the less you become, and when you lose track of your self one day you`ll look back and find out how far you have come. like the scriptures say. i have also learned the importance of giving the lord an accounting of our day. as we do he will give us revelation on how we could have improved and what we can plan on for the next day. he is an active communicator in prayer if we give him the time to talk. rely on him and as he promises he will take us under his yoke and make our problems his and we will be able to pull much more than our own strength. i love where i am and i love the progress we have all made this last year and i am excited to see how much farther we can go."

Friday, March 9, 2012

The one at the zoo.

Let us take a trip back in time. 

Back in August, we took our Hazel and Cohen to the zoo.